Dikh He Na Bister meeting in Heidelberg aimed on reflecting on the goals, concepts, programs and roles of particular partners. The aim was to lay out the strategy and also in short-term the organisational plans for how to empowerm the young Roma, further develop the remembrance activities as well as recognition and education about the Roma genocide. Partner organisations involved in the initiative Dikh He Na Bister focused on the designing the future and enabling the young people to take an active role in promoting and implementing our common goals locally, nationally and internationally.
During the preparation meeting for commemoration event Dikh he na Bister in Krakow, the group has discussed about the remembrance and commemoration and came to several conclusions on how the situation is and suggestions which activities should be paid more attention to or changed. The ambition is that youth commemoration becomes actively involved in the official commemoration. At the same time it would be beneficial for the young participants to be provided with deeper insight and information about the event which would go beyond their basic knowledge.
In is crucial to further develop activities of the media team. Online platforms are an essential tool in sharing and spreading the information about the activities of Dikh He Na Bister. We came up with the idea for the media team to make a life stream in order the people who can’t attend the event physically can still be involved with the course of the activities during the commemoration.
In terms of the local commemoration there is a general agreed that there is a potential for increased number of the local commemoration. However, to fully use this potential it is necessary to help local communities with the building and maintaining the commemoration sites, as at the moment there are number of historical sites without appropriate memorials and infrastructure.
For that reason part of the program was dedicated to the visit of the concetration camp in Neckarelz-Mosbach, where participants had an opportunity to meet Holocaust survivor Rita Prigmore.
In our conclusion to this discussion we believe that Dikh he na Bister is successful in raising the awareness about the Roma Genocide because the Roma genocide was recognized in a lot of info sources about the Holocaust, also more people are aware about the Roma genocide and people self-willingly show interest about this topic and take active participation in this event.
The project is funded by the EVZ Foundation and the Federal Foreign Office as part of the program YOUNG PEOPLE remember.