How to get around our event space

Our Facilitators for Dikh He Na Bister 2024

Workshop on the Roma genocide - non-formal education at Dikh he na Bister 2023

Toolkit on Working with Testimonies

DHNB 2023 – Programme

Training of facilitators

Open Call for Youth Ambassadors

Roma Youth Advocacy Training 2023


Open Call for Participants – Roma Youth Advocacy Training 2023

Commemoration in North Macedonia

Dikh He Na Bister 2022

Songs of the sorrow times

The event aims to raise awareness of young people about the Roma genocide.

Training in Paris and Raymond Gurême Tribute

A look into the future

Meeting in the Biblioteca Bon Pastor

Words which lead to actions

Raising awareness about the Roma genocide in Croatia

Training of trainers Zagreb and Jasenovac, Croatia

We invite young, experienced Roma and non-Roma trainer for a preparation meeting in Paris to become facilitator at Dikh he na Bister 2022

Open Call for Facilitator – closed

A training on the digital culture of remembrance and Holocaust education

Dikh He Na Bister 2021

Commemoration At The Memorial Of The Argelèrs-Sur-Mer Camp

Commemoration and historical tour in Staro Sajmište

Call for Participants „Jasenovac and the Roma Holocaust in the Western Balkan“

Dikh He Na Bister Online – Call for Participants

Educational resources

Education for Remembrance

Virtual Exhibition Tour in Block 13

International Conference 2019

Dikh He Na Bister 2019

Dikh He Na Bister 2018

Dikh He Na Bister 2017

Dikh He Na Bister 2016

Dikh He Na Bister 2014

Dik I Na Bister 2013

Dikh He Na Bister 2012

Dikh He Na Bister 2011