Meeting in the Biblioteca Bon Pastor

Commemoration in Barcelona, Spain

The team of Nakeramos, one of the Spanish partners of the Dikh He Na Bister initiative, organized a working day as a follow-up initiative of DHNB with the aim of the objectives of addressing the historical facts, debating the political contexts, and most importantly, discussing the role and responsibility of young educators, students, activists, and organizations in strengthening the change at the local, national, and international level.

Prior to this, on 26 October 2021, Nakeramos has organized an informative session regarding the consequences of limited information on the Roma Genocide, and the direct effects of Antigypyism that the communities experience locally.

Izabella Tiberiade and Chayma Rachdi, from the intercultural association Nakeramos, spoke to participants about anti-Gypsyism in the activity “Barvaliphe (wealth)”, within the Solidarity Autumn of the district of Sant Andreu, dedicated this year to interculturality.

Meeting took place in the Biblioteca Bon Pastor, a library which is positioned in one of the most marginalized neighborhoods in Barcelona. The activities carried out here are intended to reach out to residents of various group ages, to vulnerable youngsters. It was a small gathering talk and where the fact of continuing to work to make visible and get to know the gypsy people was shared, beyond rumors and prejudices.

Informative Session in Biblioteca Bon Pastor

The library has a bibliographic collection that groups together the documents that refer to the Bon Pastor neighborhood. In this section, there are documents on the history and current affairs of the neighborhood, studies on social reality and urban planning, guides of entities and facilities, biographies, and works of literary creation by authors from the neighborhood or who are closely linked to it or located in this area of the city

 The outcome of the session has been defined by creating awareness about the history and the current state of the Romani Genocide Remembrance, the Commemorative day of through the 2nd August, and mobilization for possible participant. The most important topic proposed by the youngster was remembrance through online and social media.

The project is funded by the EVZ Foundation and the Federal Foreign Office as part of the program YOUNG PEOPLE remember.