A training on the digital culture of remembrance and Holocaust education

Text by Marius Lüdicke

Accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, digital approach to remembering the Holocaust is becoming increasingly important, especially in youth education. The Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma, together with the youth commemoration initiative Dikh He Na Bister, therefore organized a series of webinars to provide information about the variety of innovative educational offers for remembering the Holocaust.

Digital Holocaust Memory - digital tools

Roma and non-Roma youth trainers and activists were invited to join this special format. From May to August 2021, the participants met once a week under the facilitation of the Documentation with external experts, social media specialists and activists from all over Europe.

Content included new forms of remembrance through social media, 3D models of historical sites, virtual maps, and innovative formats to convey the history of the Holocaust and personal memories of survivors. “Serious Games” – digital games that convey learning content in a playful way – were also used as educational tools with game developers.

With the newly acquired knowledge, the visibility and role of young people in the culture of remembrance was taken into consideration. New methods and pegagogical approaches learned offered the necessary support to take the initiative to develop their own material and to actively participate in the memorial and educational work.

The project is funded by the EVZ Foundation and the Federal Foreign Office as part of the program YOUNG PEOPLE remember.