Dikh He Na Bister 2012

Dikh He Na Bister 2012

The Roma Genocide project, now in its third year of realization, is one of ternYpe flagship projects to be realized every year around 2nd August as the commemoration day of the Roma Genocide.

ternYpe and its member organizations commemorated on 2nd August with events in the local communities in all their countries. Like the previous years around 60 young Roma and non-Roma gathered in Auschwitz on the 2nd August to remember the fate of thousands of Roma during Second World War and raise awareness of danger of extremism and present issues of antigypsyism and discrimination. The purpose is not only to spread the knowledge about the Roma Genocide and to promote the commemoration by all Europeans, but we hope to shape the collective historical memory of this event as until today historic knowledge and education on this issue remains scarce in Europe.

2012 Dikh He Na Bister participants in front of the  B II e memorial in Auschwitz-Birkenau. A group of people are standing in front of the brick memorial. in front of them they are holding Roma flags and flags with the ternYpe logo.
Part of the Dikh He Na Bister 2012 participants in front of the  B II e memorial in Auschwitz-Birkenau

The project contributes to ternYpe’s mission for young people to become active citizens

Recognition of our history and identity, historical reparation and a deep restoration of our image are the keys in our road to dignity as people, we can not forget and we don not want to forget the murders of those who never had the opportunity to raise their voices. Young people take an essential role and responsibility to construct a peaceful and inclusive Europe today and in the future. Therefore, we shall strengthen the voice and participation of young people, as the consciousness about the genocide constitutes a key element of our European identity and the founding principles of the European integration. We understand that our call and our responsibility as young Roma is to disseminate the knowledge of the Roma genocide into the mainstream society, from civil society initiatives till institutional visibility. Through our presence in Auschwitz we want to express our commitment in the fight for the recognition of our history.

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