Open Call for Facilitator – closed

Preparation Meeting – Dikh he na Bister
Paris (France), 5 July – 10 July, 2022

The application is closed since: 31 May, 2022 (midnight)

We invite young, experienced Roma and non-Roma trainer for a preparation meeting in Paris to become facilitator at Dikh he na Bister 2022TER (Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative) in the context of the 78th anniversary of 2 August – the Holocaust Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma. As a facilitator, you will lead the educational process of an international group of young people through a 5-day learning process about the Holocaust, antigypsyism and human rights today.

4 working days in Paris (accommodation and venue tbc)

All costs covered by the Erasmus+ program.

We clarify objectives of the initiative, come to a common understanding and approach to remembrance and human rights education. Together with experts on specific topics related to the Holocaust you discover methods and materials for educational workshops. We will clarify roles and responsibilities and finalize the program for DIKH HE NA BISTER. We will also visit the memorial for the family of Raymond Gurême together with our partner organisation La voix de Rroms.

Dikh he na Bister 2022:
By attending the preparation meeting, you also agree to participate in Dikh he na Bister 2022 (29 July – 4 August) as a facilitator. For a review of DhnB 2021, visit our website.

The Facilitator

You have basic experience in facilitating non-formal educational activities and in working with Roma youth, Holocaust Remembrance and Human Rights EducationGuidelines for your workshop: You will receive content and methodological preparation to prepare and develop the educational process of the event in Krakow, clarification regarding roles and responsibilities in the project.
You participated in Dikh he na Bister before (as participant or in another capacity).Educational training: You receive training in informal educational by experienced trainers from the Initiative
You are between 21-35 years oldDeepened historical knowledge: You receive in-depth knowledge of the Roma Genocide, the concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, Roma Resistance and the concept of antigypsyism
You speak English and/or Romanes; (other languages are an additional advantage).Follow-up: We aim to develop further trainings and co-operations with the facilitator, e.g. learning and volunteering opportunities
You are willing to participate both in the preparatory seminar in France and in the Dikh He Na Bister event in Krakow (facilitators arrive on 27.07., event 29.07.-04.08.2022).Certificate:  You receive a certificate of your facilitation experience/work by Erasmus+ (Youthpass) for both events


  • Costs: We cover the travel costs, accommodation and food, as well as program costs for the Preparatory Training in Paris and Dikh he na Bister in Krakow. If the travel costs are above 275 € in total, please first contact our coordinator to get a confirmation. 
  • Travel: We will reimburse your travel costs. Please note we can only reimburse travel with the cheapest means (flight 2nd class, train, bus).
  • Salary: We pay 100 euros per day for all facilitators with existing DhnB training experience and 50 euros per day for all new facilitators (at DhnB, not for the preparatory training).
  • Participants should organize their travel (arrival and departure) for these dates after the organizers have confirmed their participation. Earlier arrivals and late departures will be exceptions after discussion with the organizers.

How to apply? Register in the online application form:

The application is closed since: 31 May, 2022 (midnight)

The Initiative and its members gather young Roma and non-Roma from all over Europe around August 2nd 2022, marking the anniversary of the “Holocaust Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma”, for the last 12 years. The initiative aims at raising awareness among young Europeans, civil society and decision-makers about the Roma Genocide, as well as about the mechanisms of antigypsyism in a challenging context of rising racism, hate speech, war and extremism in Europe. This year for the first time since 2019 we will engage about 200 young people from more than 15 countries and return to Krakow for our meeting.

For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: