Education for Remembrance

Education for remembrance of the Roma Genocide: Scholarship, commemoration and the role of youth, edited edited by Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, Esteban Acuña C. and Piotr Trojański; Libron (2015)

Education for remembrance of the Roma Genocide – book title

The book “Education for Remembrance of the Roma Genocide: Scholarship, Commemoration and the Role of Youth” is a result of this expert conference during the “Dik i na Bister” Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative 2014 around the 70th anniversary of 2 August. However, rather than a report from the conference, this volume – conceived as interdisciplinary, cross-institutional and inter-generational – aims at reflecting on current developments regarding the Roma Holocaust remembrance and provides basis for further discussion. The heterogeneity of voices included in this volume reflects richness of perspectives, experiences and points of view.

We invited Roma and non-Roma scholars of various disciplines, senior and youth Roma activists, organizations and institutions, and, most importantly, Roma Holocaust survivors to contribute to this book. The articles included in this book have diverse formats – scholarly articles, manifests, personal testimonies, speeches and an interview. Our aim is to provide an inclusive space which uplifts non-academic knowledge to ranks of equal importance with academic discourse. Many of those, beyond providing unique perspectives, can be treated as primary sources for further research. Publication of the 2014 Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative.

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