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The Roma and Sinti Holocaust is still underrepresented in schools and other educational contexts. But since the beginning of the civil rights struggle for recognition of the Holocaust of Sinti and Roma activists and later academics are changing the status quo. If you want to educate yourself or learn how to talk with your youth group about the Holocaust of Sinti and Roma, here are a few places we recommend to start.

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This website is a great place learn more about the 2020 virtual commemoration ceremony of the European Holocaust Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma. Listen to statements made by survivors, activists, politicians and state representatives. Learn more about the Holocaust of Sinti and Roma and the civil rights struggle for recognition.

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screen short of the front page

Launched in 2018 the online portal “‘Racial Diagnosis: Gypsies’. The Nazi genocide of the Sinti and Roma and the long struggle for recognition”. Historical family photographs of Sinti and Roma provide an insight into the people’s daily lives and let them stand out as individuals. These self-documentations show the people in their individuality and personality and provide an important counterpart to the “gypsy clichés” that remain very powerful today. They illustrate the destroyed lives and destinies behind the abstract documents of bureaucratically organized destruction. The inhuman perspective of the perpetrators is contrasted with the victims’ testimonies. The content of the website is based on the portable exhibition with the same name; however, it is expanded by numerous videos, photographs and documents, which cannot be shown in the exhibition due to lack of space.

visit the site is a web-based collection of 24 videos, audio podcasts and educational resources, about the causes and the consequences of the Genocide of the Roma in WWII, the Roma identity building and the self-empowerment of the Roma around Europe. 

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This is a virtual exhibition about the life stories of Holocaust survivors. This exhibition tells the stories of nine children. For example, there is the girl who, for 50 years, was regarded as a symbol of the persecution of the Jews, but who turned out to be Sinti. Or the child, around the same age, who managed to survive the medical experiments performed on Roma and Sinti children. Together, these nine very different stories give us an impression of the events of that period. What exactly happened during this forgotten genocide?

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This is the first comprehensive online teaching resource in Europe which focuses exclusively on the genocide of the Roma and Sinti. The website provides extensive background information, selected biographies of victims of persecution, and 70 worksheets on camps and special aspects of the genocide of the Roma. The worksheets can be used directly in the classroom and include assignments for students. A teacher handbook gives advice on how to teach with the material. This website is available in different languages.

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Right to Remember – A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide (Second edition) (2017)

This is a self-contained educational resource for all those wishing to promote a deeper awareness of the Roma Genocide and combat discrimination. The handbook is based on the principles of human rights education, and places remembrance as an aspect of learning aboutthrough and for human rights. It includes educational activities, as well as ideas for commemoration events, and information about the Genocide and its relevance to the situation of the Roma people today. It has been designed primarily for youth workers in non-formal settings, but it will be useful for anyone working in education, including in schools.

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